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Sell Court Coaching Services


We see a growing demand for this service., as clients chose to repesent themselves, primarily because they can not afford full-service representation.

A court coaching service is a "limited legal service" that is offered to clients who want to represent themselves in a matter in which they can handle themselves. This service can be an additional source of revenue from self-reprsented litigants who can;t afford representation in court. You can limit the scope of your representation so that you have no liability for how your client performs in court. Using DirectLaw you can structure a "court ocaching service" and price it depending on the client's individual circumstances.

Here is an example of how some our DIrectLaw firms describe their court coaching service: 

"Our Legal & Court Coaching service represents a new kind of "limited legal service". This service enables you to retain control over your case or other legal matter, for example, we will:

  • help you represent yourself in your negotiations with the opposing party and/or plan your strategy for representing yourself in court.
  • listen to your side of the story, provide an objective view of what each party's rights and obligations are, and suggest some possible options and alternatives and help you decide which is best for you. Example: you are seeking an uncontested divorce and you have reached an "impasse" in your negotiations with your spouse -- we can suggest some approaches to resolve it.
  • provide legal guidance on matters such as forming a new business; negotiating the sale of an existing business; and similar types of legal matters that require guidance from an attorney licensed in your State.
  • help you evaluate offers and proposals from the other side, warn you of potential problems, and help you avoid them."

The price of this service can be determined by the law firm and is a variable -- depending on the complexity and extend of the service.

Resources on Court Coaching.

Here is a good article from Nolo Press advising consumers on how to hire a lawyer as a coach.

Examples of Court Coaching from a Family Law Web Site in California.

Another example from a Colorado Law Firm