Sell Legal Advice by Email
Communicate with Legal Advice E-mail clients by using the Open link within the Legal Advice > Incomplete E-mails section. A separate window will open and will display all communications between the attorney and client.
Some firms are using this function to provide free legal advice by email. If you are an expert in a particular area of law, you can limit answers to a narrow area, and answer most questions with pre-formatted answers that can be uploaded to the legal advice by enmail communication screen.
The conversion rate to the purchase of a legal service by a prospect who wants free answer to a posted question can be very high Our experience is that the conversion rate is approximately 30% from propsects who purchase the services.
Moreover, you can advertise the service using Google Ad Words to accelerate traffic to your site. Better still the "free legal advice" page will be indexed in the searchengines and will receie a very high search ranking.
See for example: